Friday, March 16

lovey dovey stuff

To:You who holds my heart.
Love: cassie
Oh i love you so.
You are amazing from that head of wayyy too much hair to your cute toes.
You listen just so i can complain about anything and everything.
You give advise like its your profession.
Your cute i mean, handsome as can be.
Your hands are the ones i hold.
You are a fine cook, if i do say so myself.
We tell each other i love you before exiting any room.
Goodnight and good morning kisses for me, every day without fail.
Ive loved you sense that slobbery biggie dog.
I love you even when you play 50 games of dota.. in a row, i might add.
Thee best, most amazing father.
They say dont be with a man if you dont want your baby boy to be just like him, if thats the case im certainly doing something right.
You are full of surprises.
You are full of laughs.
You change many, many diapers, which i hear is rare to find.
You love me.
You are the siracha to my grilled cheese. ;) 
You are the world to me.
I love the family we are creating together!
i love and appreciate you!
i love you forever :)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh soooo adorable! haha! you have such a cute lil family!
